Saturday, January 19, 2013

The end of week 1 and more happy news!

Today completes my first week of P90X and what a week it was!  Between the workouts, working overtime and staying late on call, going in to work at 4:45 in the morning, a transitioning doggy to our  new place it was a whirlwind of a week. I did not do my leg workout yesterday because I had to make an urgent trip to the eye doctor after work and I found out I have dry spots on my eyes, an allergic reaction of some sort in there along with bumps formed on the underside of my eyelids adding additional irritation.  I'm on two different eye drops for the time being and banished to glasses-wearing for the next 5 days at minimum.  There's nothing I hate more than jumping around and working out in glasses but what has to be done is done.  It was my every intention of doing it but it just didn't happen and while it wasn't what I'd planned I am getting better at going with the flow.  It's not that I just didn't want to do it.  Things come up and I'll have to remember this as I go through these 90 days and beyond into my 30 week training plan.  I was told by my running guru, Kyle's sister Carrie (hi Carrie!) that she didn't like "training plans" and that they made you feel guilty if you missed a day or something like this happened and the workout just didn't get done.  I think I can justify with myself as long as I put in a good effort every single day that if something like this happens I can't let myself feel too bad about not getting what I wanted done.  Good thing is that I've stayed under my calorie goals every day and that also is a bit more comforting.

I started this morning with some Kenpo X bright and early knowing we were going to Louisville today for Kyle's quarter meeting/late holiday party and we'd be eating out.  (Hello from Louisville, by the way!)  We just arrived and he's at one of his two meetings for the afternoon.

The first piece of good news I'd like to deliver is that I'm officially down 6.6 pounds since January 1st!  I know they won't keep falling off me like this after my body starts adjusting to this new lifestyle but I'll take what I can get and it's definitely a step in the direction I want to go.

The second is that I will be an aunt again sometime tomorrow!  My sister is being induced in the morning and I'll be an aunt for the 5th time in the last 25 months.  How exciting it is for Kyle and I to get to watch all these little guys (and girls) grow up.  We are blessed.

I've got this lovely long weekend just starting up and only have to work Tuesday before my normal Wednesday off.  I have my graduate school interview on Wednesday afternoon at Wright State University so if around 2:45pm you'd all like to send your good vibes my way I'd appreciate it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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