Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Refinding my Niche.

Firstly, I want to thank you all for the support I felt after my last post.  I felt it, every gracious word given to me, and I feel a bit renewed.  Thank you.

After this little bender, I've found my head again.  I'm refocused and while I've got a crazy schedule, I've got goals.  Remember that little goal (or really, really BIG goal) of the bikini on my honeymoon?  I've not forgotten about it.  It's always in the back of my mind, just like when I thought about running a marathon.  I didn't forget about it, and you all know that I came through and I. DID. IT.  I can do this too.

I'm exploring some options, but for now I'm back on my meal plan from Sara.  I've looked into the "If It Fits Your Macros" approach, I've ready KMaeKag's e-book on Flexible Dieting (another Macro approach), I stopped Weight Watchers because I honestly wasn't even tracking points and even when I was, I wasn't losing anything.  I think because my body has been so used to the way I've been eating over the last 15 months that eating ice cream, just because it fits my points, doesn't always agree with where I'm heading.  I'm not 100% sure where I'm going or how it's going to happen, but I'm determined now more than ever to get to my goal.

I'm working, studying for the GRE, looking at dates for Zumba instructor training, and going to Minneapolis for my training session with the HDYO in 10 days.  I saw that the HDSA has 14 spots open this year for the NYC Marathon in November and I'm like…. well, if I had the money to travel this year I'd SO do it.

Nothing structured, nothing super important, but these are my thoughts.  Off we go to explore the next part of this journey.

By the way… I think my next post may be THE post.  You know, the one where I finally reveal my "before" and current pictures.  Yep.  I think I'm ready.

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