I've spent the last few months after the marathon trying to find a balance. Trying to find a way to continue on my journey, continue losing weight, continue to get healthy and make it all work.
I am friends with and follow so many people who are doing this and the central theme has been Weight Watchers. These fabulous men and women are losing weight, eating real food, and making things that their families and loved ones can eat with them. It's not chicken or tuna in baggies and shaker bottles in a big bag all day. I love the results I had following a specific plan and killing it in the gym but my life was so out of balance. My fiancé was often at home, alone, eating bologna sandwiches while I was making this all about me instead of a healthy lifestyle for both of us.
I talked with my friend Karli more about Weight Watchers and went to a meeting. When I did Weight Watchers before, I did it ALL wrong. I never used the points I was allowed and lived off of pineapple because it was "free". I've seen some of my favorite bloggers become national Weight Watchers Success stories like Dani at Weight Off My Shoulders and Brooke from Brooke Not On A Diet. Simply amazing!
I think I've been so stuck and fluctuating between 5-10 pounds from my lowest weight pre-marathon despite my working out and eating 90% on point because I wasn't eating enough. There were days I would run 8 miles in the morning and Zumba at night and wouldn't be losing.
I've become somewhat obsessed with calorie counting and counting macros (protein, carbs, fats) and scared of going over certain numbers and gaining weight again. Well guess what - I gained those 5-10 pounds regardless and there has to be a reason. I need to look at food a new way and not feel deprived or like if I ate a cookie every now and then that I'd find myself at 245 pounds again.
I've seen these people living successful balanced lives and make good that looks delicious and still lose weight with AND without regular exercise.
So I'm giving it a go - I re-joined Weight Watchers this last Tuesday and I'm going to my first weigh in this Tuesday after work. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning so I'm nervous about an evening weigh in but that's what works with my schedule this week. There is a Weight Watchers store super close to my house with meetings 7 days a week so I know I should be able to go every week.
So that's it...that's the big news.
So far in the first week I think I've done well. I used exactly all my points every day and loving regularly incorporating fresh fruit back into my routine more. I used some of my weekly points for a brunch date with my love this morning with NO GUILT, and that's the important part. Here's to continued healthy, happy, and most importantly balanced, fresh start.
You go girl! Weight Watchers is an amazing program and the way it works these days makes it easy to stay with it. And remember we are all here for you.